Well, don’t get me wrong. I apologize for the “harsh” heading of the article. Every SEO Firm Melbourne should work hard to keep their clients forever. While the clients can fire a “bad” service provider, why can’t a service provider fire a “bad client?” Every business hates customers who only see the negative side. In this article, we cover a topic that will give peace of mind to every SEO Firm Melbourne owner. If a client is giving you a hard time; what is the point of serving him/her? A point will come when no longer you can tolerate the “nonsense.” So, firing that client may be the only option for you.
* He/she knows nothing about SEO Firm Melbourne
Well, we can’t expect business owners to know about SEO from A to Z. But, dealing with a client who knows nothing about SEO can be a nightmare. No matter how hard you try to explain him/her about white hat SEO and the time it can take to show actual results, he/she demands instant results. “I saw an SEO Firm Melbourne who claims results within 24 hours, so why can’t you do that?” Well, that is what he/she always complains about. You can try explaining him/her 2-3 times about white hat SEO, but if he/she is becoming a headache to a point where you suffer from sleepless nights; fire him/her. A quick tip for business owners: why don’t you follow SEO blogs on the Internet? Every business owner will benefit from reading articles posted on SEO blogs about SEO and being a “good client.”
* Can you rank my website for $500?
These are the clients who expect millions of sales with a “tiny” budget. Yes, small business owners don’t have thousands to spend on an SEO Firm Melbourne like the world-leading business owners. But, as a client; can you demand your SEO partner to do millions of things for your business just by giving them $500? Let me get this straight! You can’t do anything with a $500-budget today. Maybe you saw a website who promise the “number one” spot on Google for $200. Yes, hundreds of SEO scammers are there in the industry who claims “amazing results” just for $200. Business owners who only focus on the price (not on quality) hire such scammers and suffer for the rest of life. So, as an owner of an SEO Firm Melbourne, try your best to explain to your clients that SEO is not a “cheap” process as it may seem. And, if a client still doesn’t understand your point or doesn’t believe you; you got no options other than firing the client. You can’t afford to waste your precious time on a client who doesn’t believe you. Trust is the foundation of long-term client-service provider relationship.
* The client doesn’t support you
SEO is not a one-party process. Both the parties, client and the service provider should work together to drive to the success. In my opinion, no SEO Firm Melbourne owner should waste his/her time on a client who offers no help or resources. Why would you waste your precious time on a client who forces you to do everything without support from his/her side? Instead, spend that time with a client who contributes to your success too. Fire anyone who doesn’t want to drive to the success as a team. Only then you can continue your business with peace of mind as an SEO Firm Melbourne.
* Failing to pay the payments
You can’t cope with regular late payments from a client as a business owner. Almost every client is fussy about “what you do for them,” but when it comes to settling payments; they take a step back. Well, don’t fire a client for failing to settle the payments once in a while. But, if it is the story throughout the year; you may want to think twice about serving that client. As an SEO Firm Melbourne owner, you may not want to waste your precious time on sending reminders about late payments. Which is an unnecessary stress for you. Talk with the client in person and make him/her understand about your stand. Even if the client has a valid reason; you can’t excuse him/her for regular late payment as a business owner. You may be a small business owner. You can’t keep up with a negative cash flow. All your clients should understand it.
* The client only focuses on web traffic
Well, SEO is all about generating organic web traffic for a business via an SEO-optimised website. But, ranking on Google’s top position doesn’t always mean that you are the number one business within your industry. Every business owner (client) should understand this critical factor when working with an SEO Firm Melbourne. Are you now making more money thanks to your current SEO partner? If the answer is a “Yes;” the client should not only focus on web traffic.
Some clients are there who determines everything by their position on Google. Other than web traffic, every client should focus on other factors such as:
* Mobile web traffic.
* Increased revenue.
* For how long visitors stay on your business website?
* Positive customer feedback.
* Changed in web rankings (for example, you were listed on Google’s 5th search page before you hire the SEO Firm Melbourne. Now you are listed on the second search page.)
So, if a client is giving you a hard time about getting his/her website listed on Google’s first search page; you may not want to keep him/her as a client anymore (it is just a big headache.)
Some final words
A quick message for business owners (clients.) Hire a full-service SEO Firm Melbourne instead of hiring several service providers for each SEO service (one for Social Media and one for web designing.) When too many chefs are the kitchen; your soup will mostly be a “crap” one. If you are a full-service SEO Firm Melbourne, and if one of your clients has hired several service providers for each SEO service; explain to him/her about its disadvantages. Still, if the client doesn’t listen to what you say; don’t hesitate to fire the client.
Building a long-term relationship with a client is difficult in today’s world. Anyway, every business owners should try the best for long-term relationships. Once in a while, you might come across a fussy client — getting rid of him/her is a better option than serving him/her.
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